1. A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks (1970)
  2. Scheduling Algorithms for Multiprogramming in a Hard-Real-Time Environment (1973)
  3. The Unix Time-Sharing System (1974)
  4. Granularity of Locks and Degrees of Consistency in a Shared Database (1976)
  5. Access Path Selection in a Relational Database Management System (1979)
  6. On the Duality of Operating System Structures (1979)
  7. Experience with Processes and Monitors in Mesa (1980)
  8. Efficient Locking for Concurrent Operations on B-Trees (1981)
  9. A History and Evaluation of System R (1981)
  10. On Optimistic Methods for Concurrency Control (1981)
  11. A Fast File System for UNIX (1984)
  12. End-to-End Arguments in System Design (1984)
  13. The Escrow Transactional Method (1986)
  14. Transaction Management in the R* Distributed Database Management System (1986)
  15. Concurrency Control Performance Modeling: Alternatives and Implications (1987)
  16. The Design of the POSTGRES Storage System (1987)
  17. Encapsulation of Parallelism in the Volcano Query Processing System (1990)
  18. The Gamma Database Machine Project (1990)
  19. Linearizability: A Correctness Condition for Concurrent Objects (1990)
  20. The R*-tree: An Efficient and Robust Access Method for Points and Rectangles (1990)
  21. The POSTGRES Next Generation Database Management System (1991)
  22. Microkernel Operating System Architecture and Mach (1992)
  23. Parallel Database Systems: the Future of High Performance Database Systems (1992)
  24. The Volcano Optimizer Generator: Extensibility and Efficient Search (1993)
  25. The Linda alternative to message-passing systems (1994)
  26. Lottery and Stride Scheduling: Flexible Proportional-Share Resource Management (1994)
  27. A Critique of ANSI SQL Isolation Levels (1995)
  28. Exokernel: An Operating System Architecture for Application-Level Resource Management (1995)
  29. Managing Update Conflicts in Bayou, a Weakly Connected Replicated Storage System (1995)
  30. SPIN -- An Extensible Microkernel for Application-specific Operating System Services (1995)
  31. Implementing Data Cubes Efficiently (1996)
  32. On the Computation of Multidimensional Aggregates (1996)
  33. The HP AutoRAID hierarchical storage system (1996)
  34. DataGuides: Enabling Query Formulation and Optimization in Semistructured Databases (1997)
  35. Disco: Running Commodity Operating Systems on Scalable Multiprocessors (1997)
  36. Improved Query Performance with Variant Indexes (1997)
  37. The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine (1998)
  38. T Spaces: The Next Wave (1999)
  39. The Click Modular Router (2000)
  40. Eddies: Continuously Adaptive Query Processing (1999)
  41. Generalized Isolation Level Definitions (2000)
  42. Schema Mapping as Query Discovery (2000)
  43. Chord: A Scalable Peer-to-peer Lookup Service for Internet Applications (2001)
  44. Inferring Internet Denial-of-Service Activity (2001)
  45. SEDA: An Architecture for Well-Conditioned, Scalable Internet Services (2001)
  46. Brewer's Conjecture and the Feasibility of Consistent, Available, Partition-Tolerant Web Services (2002)
  47. TAG: A Tiny AGgregation Service for Ad-Hoc Sensor Networks (2002)
  48. The Google File System (2003)
  49. Xen and the Art of Virtualization (2003)
  50. Chain Replication for Supporting High Throughput and Availability (2004)
  51. MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters (2004)
  52. Analysis and Evolution of Journaling File Systems (2005)
  53. C-Store: A Column-oriented DBMS (2005)
  54. Combining Systems and Databases: A Search Engine Retrospective (2005)
  55. Live Migration of Virtual Machines (2005)
  56. The Chubby lock service for loosely-coupled distributed systems (2006)
  57. The CQL Continuous Query Language: Semantic Foundations and Query Execution (2006)
  58. Architecture of a Database System (2007)
  59. Dryad: Distributed Data-Parallel Programs from Sequential Building Blocks (2007)
  60. Dynamo: Amazon's Highly Available Key-value Store (2007)
  61. Bigtable: A Distributed Storage System for Structured Data (2008)
  62. DryadLINQ: A System for General-Purpose Distributed Data-Parallel Computing Using a High-Level Language (2008)
  63. Webtables: Exploring the Power of Tables on the Web (2008)
  64. CRDTs: Consistency without concurrency control (2009)
  65. Eventually Consistent (2009)
  66. The Five-Minute Rule 20 Years Later (2009)
  67. Provenance in Databases: Why, How, and Where (2009)
  68. ROS: an open-source Robot Operating System (2009)
  69. SnowFlock: Rapid Virtual Machine Cloning for Cloud Computing (2009)
  70. BOOM Analytics: Exploring Data-Centric, Declarative Programming for the Cloud (2010)
  71. Dapper, a Large-Scale Distributed Systems Tracing Infrastructure (2010)
  72. The Declarative Imperative: Experiences and Conjectures in Distributed Logic (2010)
  73. Efficient Querying and Maintenance of Network Provenance at Internet-Scale (2010)
  74. Conflict-free Replicated Data Types (2011)
  75. Consistency Analysis in Bloom: a CALM and Collected Approach (2011)
  76. Dedalus: Datalog in Time and Space (2011)
  77. Dominant Resource Fairness: Fair Allocation of Multiple Resource Types (2011)
  78. Don't Settle for Eventual: Scalable Causal Consistency for Wide-Area Storage with COPS (2011)
  79. Hogwild!: A Lock-Free Approach to Parallelizing Stochastic Gradient Descent (2011)
  80. Mesos: A Platform for Fine-Grained Resource Sharing in the Data Center (2011)
  81. TAP: Time-aware Provenance for Distributed Systems (2011)
  82. Wrangler: Interactive Visual Specification of Data Transformation Scripts (2011)
  83. All about Eve: Execute-Verify Replication for Multi-Core Servers (2012)
  84. Calvin: Fast Distributed Transactions for Partitioned Database Systems (2012)
  85. CAP Twelve Years Later: How the "Rules" Have Changed (2012)
  86. Declarative Datalog Debugging for Mere Mortals (2012)
  87. Distributed Time-aware Provenance (2012)
  88. Logic and Lattices for Distributed Programming (2012)
  89. The MADlib Analytics Library or MAD Skills, the SQL (2012)
  90. Making Geo-Replicated Systems Fast as Possible, Consistent when Necessary (2012)
  91. PowerGraph: Distributed Graph-Parallel Computation on Natural Graphs (2012)
  92. Resilient Distributed Datasets: A Fault-Tolerant Abstraction for In-Memory Cluster Computing (2012)
  93. Spanner: Google's Globally Distributed Database (2012)
  94. Apache Hadoop YARN: Yet Another Resource Negotiator (2013)
  95. Datalog and Recursive Query Processing (2013)
  96. Discretized Streams: Fault-Tolerant Streaming Computation at Scale (2013)
  97. From L3 to seL4 What Have We Learnt in 20 Years of L4 Microkernels? (2013)
  98. Hekaton: SQL Server's Memory-Optimized OLTP Engine (2013)
  99. Innovative Instructions and Software Model for Isolated Execution (2013)
  100. MillWheel: Fault-Tolerant Stream Processing at Internet Scale (2013)
  101. Naiad: A Timely Dataflow System (2013)
  102. Replicated Data Consistency Explained Through Baseball (2013)
  103. Speedy Transactions in Multicore In-Memory Databases (2013)
  104. Automating the Choice of Consistency Levels in Replicated Systems (2014)
  105. Building Efficient Query Engines in a High-Level Language (2014)
  106. Coordination Avoidance in Database Systems (2014)
  107. E-Store: Fine-Grained Elastic Partitioning for Distributed Transaction Processing Systems (2014)
  108. Edelweiss: Automatic Storage Reclamation for Distributed Programming (2014)
  109. Highly Available Transactions: Virtues and Limitations (2014)
  110. Scaling Distributed Machine Learning with the Parameter Server (2014)
  111. In Search of an Understandable Consensus Algorithm (2014)
  112. Shielding Applications from an Untrusted Cloud with Haven (2014)
  113. Storm @ Twitter (2014)
  114. The Homeostasis Protocol: Avoiding Transaction Coordination Through Program Analysis (2015)
  115. Impala: A Modern, Open-Source SQL Engine for Hadoop (2015)
  116. Large-scale cluster management at Google with Borg (2015)
  117. Lineage-driven Fault Injection (2015)
  118. Putting Consistency Back into Eventual Consistency (2015)
  119. Spark SQL: Relational Data Processing in Spark (2015)
  120. Twitter Heron: Stream Processing at Scale (2015)
  121. Borg, Omega, and Kubernetes (2016)
  122. 'Cause I'm Strong Enough: Reasoning about Consistency Choices in Distributed Systems (2016)
  123. Decibel: The Relational Dataset Branching System (2016)
  124. Disciplined Inconsistency with Consistency Types (2016)
  125. Goods: Organizing Google's Datasets (2016)
  126. Realtime Data Processing at Facebook (2016)
  127. TARDiS: A Branch-and-Merge Approach To Weak Consistency (2016)
  128. Towards a Non-2PC Transaction Management in Distributed Database Systems (2016)
  129. On Using Time Without Clocks via Zigzag Causality (2017)