Dedalus: Datalog in Time and Space (2011)

Summary. Researchers have explored using Datalog variants to implement distributed systems, often with orders of magnitude less code. However, there are two distributed system concepts that are difficult to model in Datalog:

  1. mutable state, and
  2. asynchronous processing and communication.

Some Datalog variants add imperative features to Datalog, but this leads to lost optimization opportunities and ambiguous semantics. Dedalus is a subset of Datalog with negation, aggregation, an infinite successor relation, and non-deterministic choice that introduces the notion of time to cleanly model both mutability and asynchrony.

Let Ci and Ai range over constants and variables respectively and consider an infinite successor relation over an abstract domain Z. We first develop the core of Dedalus, Dedalus0, which is Datalog with negation with the additional syntactic restrictions:

  1. Schema. The final attribute of every predicate is from the domain Z. This time suffix connotes the timestamp of the record.
  2. Time Suffix. Every subgoal must be unified on a common time suffix T and the head of every rule can take of of two forms:
    • In deductive rules, the head's time suffix S is equal to T. These rules connote deductions in a single time step.
    • In inductive rules, the head's time suffix S is the successor of T. These rules connote inductions across time.
  3. Positive and Negative Predicates. Every extensional predicate p has a corresponding positive and negative predicate p_pos and p_neg.
  4. Guarded EDB. No rule, except for those above, can involve extensional predicates.

Dedalus models the persistence of a predicate using a simple identity inductive rule:

p_pos(A, B, ..., Z) @next <- p_pos(A, B, ..., Z).

Mutable state is modeled using a conjunction of p_pos and p_neg:

p_pos(A, B, ..., Z) @ next <-
    p_pos(A, B, ..., Z),
    not p_neg(A, B, ..., Z).

This pattern is so common, it is expressed using the persist[p_pos, p_neg, n] macro. We can model a number that increases whenever an event occurs (aka a sequence) as follows:

seq(B) <- seq(A), event(_), succ(A, B).
seq(A) <- seq(A), not event(_).

We can use aggregation to implement a priority queue. Consider a predicate priority_queue(X, P) with values X and priority P. We can flatten out the queue's contents over time by buffering values in m_priority_queue and dequeueing them into priority_queue in order of priority.

persist[m_priority_queue_pos, m_priority_queue_neg, 2]

the_min(min<P>) <- m_priority_queue(_, P).

priority_queue(X, P)@next <-
    m_priority_queue(X, P),

m_priority_queue_neg(X, P)@next <-
    m_priority_queue(X, P),

A Dedalus0 program is syntactically stratifiable if there are no cycles in the predicate dependency graph that contain a negative edge. Similarly, a program is temporally stratifiable if the deductive reduction of it is syntactically stratifiable. Every Dedalus0 program that is temporally stratifiable has a unique perfect model.

A Datalog program (or Dedalus0 program) is considered safe if it has a finite model. The following syntactic restrictions imply safety:

  1. No functions.
  2. Range restricted variables. That is, all variables appearing in the head must appear in a non-negated subgoal.
  3. The EDB is finite.

We say a Dedalus0 rule is instantaneously safe if it is deductive, function-free (1), and range-restricted (2). A Dedalus0 program is instantaneously safe if all rules in its deductive reduction are instantaneously safe. Two sets of ground atoms are equivalent modulo time if the two sets are equal after projecting out the time suffix. A Dedalus0 program is quiescent at time T if it its atoms are equivalent modulo time to those at time T-1. A Dedalus0 program is temporally safe if it is henceforth quiescent after some time T. The paper provides three syntactic restrictions that are sufficient for a temporally stratifiable program to be temporally safe.

Dedalus is a superset of Dedalus0 that introduces asynchronous choice. Intuitively, Dedalus introduces a third asynchronous type of rule that allows the head's timestamp to be a non-deterministic value, even values that are earlier than the timestamp of the body! In addition, Dedalus introduces horizontal partitioning by designating the first column of a predicate to be a location specifier. Entanglement:

p(A, B, N)@async <- p(A, B)@N

can be used to implement things like Lamport clocks.