Improved Query Performance with Variant Indexes (1997)

This paper surveys three types of indexes: value-list indexes (old), bit-sliced indexes (new), and projection indexes (new). It then shows how to compute aggregates, range predicates, and OLAP queries using these three types of indexes.

Value-List Indexes

A Value-List index is a B+ tree index. Each leaf of a Value-List index either stores a list of record ids (RIDs) or a bitmap.

A bitmap on a set $T$ of $n$ tuples compactly represents a subset of $T$. It is implemented as an $M$-length bitstring and a mapping $m: T \to [0, M-1]$. If $t_i$ is present in the subset, then the $m(t_i)$th bit in the bitstring is set. Note that $m(t_i)$ does not have to be $i$. Often times, if a tuple $t$ is the $i$th tuple on page $p$, then $m(t)$ is a number $j$ where the high order bits of $j$ are $p$ and the low order bits of $j$ are $i$.

The leaf entry for key $k$ in a bitmap Value-List index is a bitmap indicating which tuples have key $k$. If the index key of the B+ tree has only a few values, then a bitmap B+ tree can take up less space than an RID B+ tree.

Moreover, bitwise operations over a bitmap can be computed very efficiently. This comes in handy. For example, imagine we have the query SELECT * FROM R WHERE a and b. If we compute two bitmaps $f_a$ and $f_b$ indicating which tuples of R satisfy a and b, then we can quickly compute the bitwise AND of $f_a$ and $f_b$.

Imagine that we can fit 1000 bits on a single page. We can segment the rows of a table into sets of 1000. This lets us compress RID lists and also avoid some bitstring operations (see paper for details).

Projection Indexes

A projection index on a column is just that column stored contiguously. For example, if we had the following table R(a, b, c):

| a | b | c |
| 1 | 2 | 3 |
| 2 | 3 | 4 |
| 3 | 4 | 5 |
| 4 | 5 | 6 |
| 5 | 6 | 7 |

then a projection index on b would be

| b |
| 2 |
| 3 |
| 4 |
| 5 |
| 6 |

Bit-Sliced Indexes

Imagine a column of integers that looks something like this:

| 0 |
| 1 |
| 2 |
| 3 |
| 4 |

We can view each integer as a bitstring:

| 000 |
| 001 |
| 010 |
| 011 |
| 100 |

A bit-sliced index stores a bitstring for every column of bits. For example, a bit-sliced index on the column above would store 00001 (first column), 00110 (second column), and 01010 (third column).

Computing Aggregates with Indexes

Imagine we want to compute the query SELECT SUM(c) FROM R WHERE p for some predicate p. Imagine we have already computed a bitmap $f_p$ indicating which tuples satisfy p. Here's how compute the query with the various indexes:

  1. No index. Without any index, we're forced to read through R. Assuming that only a fraction of the tuples in R satisfy p, some pages of R end up not having any satisfied tuples, so we don't have to read those.
  2. Value-List bitmap index. We iterate over every key $k$ to retrieve a bitamap $f_k$ and compute the bitwise AND of $f_k$ and $f_p$. We compute the popcount of this AND, multiply it by $k$, and add it to our running sum.
  3. Projection index. We iterate through the projection index and add any value with a bit set in $f_p$.
  4. Bit-sliced index. For each column $c_i$, we add $\text{popcount}(i) * 2^i$ to our sum.

There are other algorithms to compute other aggregate functions as well (see paper). Here is a summary of the best index for each aggregate:

Aggregate Best Index
sum bit-sliced
count no index needed
average bit-sliced
max/min value-list
median value-list

Computing Range Predicates with Indexes

Imagine we want to compute the query SELECT * FROM c > 100 AND p where for some arbitrary predicate p. Given a bitmap $f_p$ indicating which tuples satisfy p, we want to compute a bitmap $f$ indicating which tuples satisfy p and the range predicate c > 100.

  1. Value-List bitmap index. We OR together every bitmap $b$ for every key $k$ that satisfies the range predicate and then AND it with $f_p$.
  2. Projection index. We iterate through the values indicated by $f_p$ and see which satisfy the range predicate.
  3. Bit-sliced index. We perform some intense bit tricks (see paper).

In summary, Value-List indexes are best for narrow ranges and bit-sliced indexes are best for wide ranges.

TODO(mwhittaker): Read and summarize the last three sections of this paper. They are pretty dense and a little boring.