Efficient Querying and Maintenance of Network Provenance at Internet-Scale (2010)

Network provenance is like provenance, but over the network. It lets you point at a piece of state in a distributed protocol and ask how it was derived. Network provenance is useful to debug, find performance bottlenecks, and so on. This paper makes the following contributions:

  1. It presents a distributed data model for network provenance. That is, it describes a way to physically organize network provenance into a bunch of horizontally partitioned relations.
  2. It describes a way to efficiently maintain and query provenance. Essentially, as an instrumented program executes, it proactively maintains a set of data structures which it can later use to answer provenance queries. It is analogous to a program generating profiles at runtime which a profile-guided optimizer later uses to optimize the program. This paper describes how to maintain those data structures and how to use them to answer queries.
  3. It introduces the ExSPAN prototype which implements (1) and (2).

Declarative Networks

Declarative networks are distributed systems (or protocols) implemented using NDLog: a variant of Datalog that is very similar to Bloom.

Network Provenance

Network provenance can be characterized by three axes:

  1. Granularity. There are three granularities of network provenance.
    • Tuple-level provenance is most similar to traditional provenance. It records every derivation (including all intermediate results) of every tuple.
    • Node-level provenance can be used to track which nodes a particular output tuple has been on, but does not necessarily include information about specific derivations.
    • Finally, trust domain level provenance groups together nodes into trust domains and provides information about which trust domains a tuple has been in.
  2. Representation. The granularity of provenance determines how provenance information is stored. For example, tuple-level provenance requires that the system stores all derivations while node-level provenance allows the system to store less information. Provenance can also be represented using provenance semirings, and provenance semirings can be compressed using BDDs.
  3. Distribution. All provenance information can be stored on a single centralized node, or provenance information can be distributed across machines.

Provenance Data Model

The provenance of a tuple t is represented as a graph (V,E) where the vertex set V consists of tuple vertices (representing base and intermediate tuples) and rule execution vertices (representing rule instantiations). An edge from tuple vertex t to rule execution vertex r signifies that t is an input to r. An edge from r to t represents that r derived t. Essentially, we take a proof tree

        ------ [r2]
y(a,b)  z(b,c)
-------------- [r1]

and convert everything into a vertex:

 [y(a,b)] [z(b,c)]
     \\     //

Each tuple vertex foo(a, b, c) is assigned a VID SHA-1(foo + a + b + c). Each rule execution vertex r@x with children a, b, c is assigned a RID SHA-1(r + x + a + b + c). Provenance information is then stored in two tables:

  1. prov(@Loc, VID, RID, RLoc), and
  2. ruleExec(@RLoc, RID, R, VIDList)


With these two tables, we can answer provenance queries (more on this later). When tuples are sent from one node to another, they include the RID and RLoc of the rule that derived them. This approach is known as the reference-based approach to network provenance. In alternative approach, known as the value-based approach, each tuple carries around all entries of prov and ruleExec needed to form its provenance.

Distributed Provenance Maintenance

Given an NDLog program, ExSPAN rewrites each inference rule into a set of inference rules which maintains the prov and ruleExec rules. That is, whenever a tuple is inserted or deleted, the corresponding entries of prov and ruleExec are simultaneously updated. The specifics of the rewrite are complicated; see the paper for details.

Querying Provenance

Users express a provenance query in the form eProvQuery(@X, QID, VID, Ret) which returns the provenance of tuple with VID VID residing at X to the node Ret. The query is also given a unique identifier QID. ExSPAN can answer a query like this with 10 NDLog rules (see paper for details). These ten rules are parametrized on three predicates---f_pEDB, f_pIDB, and f_pRULE---which users can use to customize the result of the query. For example, they can use them to return provenance semirings or return a count of the number of derivations for a particular tuple.

Query Optimization

ExSPAN performs optimizations to reduce the latency and bandwidth requirements of provenance queries.