The R*-tree: An Efficient and Robust Access Method for Points and Rectangles (1990)

This paper introduces the R*-tree: an optimized variant of an R-tree. The authors show that the R*-tree outperforms all other R-tree variants on point queries, rectangle intersection queries, rectangle enclosure queries, and spatial join queries (e.g. select all overlapping objects).


An R-tree is a map from rectangles (or points) to values. You can insert a rectangle and corresponding value and then search for regions that contain a point, regions that intersect a rectangle, or regions that enclose a rectangle.

R-trees are implemented as a slight variant of a B+-tree. Internal nodes have between $m$ and $M$ child pointers indexed by a bounding box. Similarly, leaf nodes store between $m$ and $M$ entries and their associated bounding box. See Database Management Systems for a good introduction on implementing R-trees.

Below is an illustration of a simple R-tree.

R-trees can try to achieve some combination of the following things.

  1. Minimize rectangle area.
  2. Minimize rectangle overlap.
  3. Minimize rectangle perimeter.
  4. Maximize storage utilization (i.e. the number of entries in each node).

These goals are at odds with one another. Minimizing (1) and (2) typically worsens (3) and (4).

R-tree Variants

R-tree variants differ in their implementations of (1) a ChooseSubtree method which determines into which leaf node an entry should be inserted and (2) a Split method which determines how an overfull leaf node is split.

At every internal node, the original ChooseSubtree method selects the child which requires the least amount of enlargement to accommodate the rectangle being inserted, choosing the smallest child in the event of a tie. This method aims to minimize the area of every rectangle in the R-tree.

The original Split method partitions $M + 1$ entries in two in a way that minimizes the area of the two bounding boxes. An exact minimization takes exponential time, but there are approximations that run in linear and quadratic time.

The quadratic approximation begins by selecting two of the $M + 1$ rectangles as seeds; one of the seeds goes in one partition, and the other seed goes in the other partition. The two seeds are the two rectangles with the sparsest bounding box. In the example below, R2 and R3 would be chosen as seeds.

Then, for each entry, we compute the enlargement required to insert the entry into both groups. The entry with the biggest difference between these two enlargements is chosen and inserted into the group which requires less enlargement.

Greene's Split method selects seeds in the same way. It then determines the axis along which the seeds are most distant, and divides the entries in half along this axis. In the example below, the $x$-axis is selected and the nodes are divided into a group of R1-R4 and a group of R5-R8.


Given a node with entries $E_1, \ldots, E_n$ define the overlap of $E_k$ to be $$\sum_{i=1, i \neq k}^n \text{area}(E_k \cap E_i)$$

For internal nodes that point to leaf nodes, the R*-tree ChooseSubtree method selects the child which increases overlap the least. Ties are broken by least area increase and then least area. For internal nodes that point to other internal nodes, the R*-tree ChooseSubtree method uses the original method and chooses the child which requires the least area enlargement, ties broken by least area.

The R*-tree Split method sorts each entry along every axis (first by low point, ties broken by high point). We then consider all possible splits of the entries such that both partitions contain at least $m$ entries. The axis which minimizes the sum of the perimeter of the bounding boxes for every partition is chosen. Next, the points are sorted along the chosen axis and the partition which minimizes bounding box overlap is selected (ties broken by minimum area).

R*-trees also perform reinsertion during a regular insertion. If a node is overfull, we sort the entries in decreasing order based on their center distance to the center of the bounding box. We then reinsert the first $p$ values (for some $p$). These insertions may in turn cause more re-insertions, but at most one reinsertion is performed at every level. Finally, if a split still occurs, things are propagated upwards through the tree.