In 1987, Gray and Putzolu introduced the five-minute rule. Ten years later, the price and performance of hardware had changed, and a new five-minute rule was formed. Twenty years later, hardware has changed even more (e.g. the rise of multi-core, hardware virtualization, etc.). One new piece of hardware, flash memory, is becoming increasingly popular. Flash memory sits between RAM and disk in terms of cost, latency, bandwidth, power consumption etc. Since flash memory is still young, there are a lot of questions to be answered:
This paper revisits the five-minute rule in the era of flash and attempts to answer some of these questions.
This paper makes the following assumptions.
The paper says the original 1987 five-minute rule uses the following formula:
PagesPerMBofRAM * Price-PerDiskDrive
BreakEvenIntervalinSeconds = ------------------------------------------
AccessesPerSecondPerDisk * PricePerMBofRAM
which can be derived from equating the cost of storing an object on disk and in RAM. The paper does not provide the derivation, but we can. Consider an object that is MemSize
MB large. We consider the cost of storing the object on disk and in RAM:
On Disk. Let NumPages
be the number of pages needed to store our object. We can calculate NumPages
as NumPages = PagesPerMBofRAM * MemSize
The required bandwidth needed to read the object is then NumPages / BreakEvenIntervalinSeconds
. If a disk delivers AccessesPerSecondPerDisk
of bandwidth, then the bandwidth we need for our object takes up the following fraction of the disk:
PagesPerMBofRAM * MemSize
BreakEvenIntervalinSeconds * AccessesPerSecondPerDisk
Multiplying by the price of a whole disk, we get the price we have to pay for the fraction of the disk that we need.
PagesPerMBofRAM * MemSize * Price-PerDiskDrive
BreakEvenIntervalinSeconds * AccessesPerSecondPerDisk
In RAM. The cost of storing the object in RAM is straightforward.
PricePerMBofRAM * MemSize
If we equate the two equation, we can solve for BreakEvenIntervalinSeconds
PagesPerMBofRAM * MemSize * Price-PerDiskDrive
PricePerMBofRAM * MemSize = -----------------------------------------------------
BreakEvenIntervalinSeconds * AccessesPerSecondPerDisk
PagesPerMBofRAM * Price-PerDiskDrive
PricePerMBofRAM = -----------------------------------------------------
BreakEvenIntervalinSeconds * AccessesPerSecondPerDisk
PagesPerMBofRAM * Price-PerDiskDrive
BreakEvenIntervalinSeconds = ------------------------------------------
AccessesPerSecondPerDisk * PricePerMBofRAM
Plugging in modern values for the variables in the formulas above, we get the following insights:
Note that almost all active data will stay in RAM and flash. Also note that the 5 minute break-even time applies for much larger objects than before.
Since flash memory acts as a buffer pool, data has to be transferred between RAM and flash and between flash and disk. The page movement policies can be similar to existing page movement polices for RAM and disk. Moreover, if flash acts as an extended disk, then movement between flash and disk will look like movement during defragmentation.
File systems track page locations using pointer pages (e.g. indirect blocks). Databases, on the other hand, use B+-trees. B+-trees have also been heavily optimized. For example, there are B+-tree variants which are designed to reduce the overheads of maintaining sibling pointers and of logging. Thus, moving data around in a file system is not as efficient as in a database. As a result, a file system would not want to use flash as an extended disk.
Databases are frequently checkpointing, moving data to the disk. If databases used flash memory as an extended RAM, then all the data written to it would still have to be moved to disk. However, if they use it as an extended disk, they can avoid a lot of checkpointing overhead.
The size of nodes in a B+-tree is a tunable parameter. If the nodes are small, then there's not a lot of overhead to reading a node. If the nodes are big, then the tree is short. The optimal B+-tree node size is not too big and not too small.
The optimal node size for modern disks is rather large. Most of the overhead of reading a node from the disk is seek time, not transfer time. Thus, increasing the block size comes mostly for free. On the other hand, the optimal node size for modern flash memory is much smaller because the seek time is much lower. Some B+-tree designs allow for different block sizes, allowing a B+-tree to optimally use both disk and flash.
Some algorithms used in database systems are carefully designed to take advantage of memory and disk. For example, external sort takes advantage of memory and disk. These algorithms can be redesigned to take advantage of flash as well. Query planning may also have to change. For example, reading from an unclustered index in flash may be less expensive than doing a full table scan, even though the full table scan may be less efficient that reading the unclustered index from disk.