Dryad: Distributed Data-Parallel Programs from Sequential Building Blocks (2007)

Parallel and distributed programming is hard. Dryad is a programming framework, inspired by parallel databases and MapReduce, which makes distributed data-parallel program easy by abstracting resource allocation, scheduling, failure handling, straggler mitigation, etc. In Dryad, computation is expressed as a directed acyclic graph. The vertexes run user code. The edges, also known as channels, send data in some form (e.g TCP, files). Users write vertexes and build graphs using a simple graph description language.

System Overview. Logically, Dryad computations are expressed as directed acyclic graphs of vertexes (code) and edges (transport). Vertexes can send arbitrary data across edges; they are responsible for handling data appropriately. Physically, Dryad execution is orchestrated by a single Job Manager (JM) which can run on a user's machine or in a cluster. The JM contacts a Name Service (NS) to get the addresses and locations of a cluster of workers. Each worker runs a daemon which coordinates with the JM. The JM, NS, and workers can also be run on a programmer's machine for debugging. The whole system uses a distributed file system like GFS.

As an example, consider the following SQL query over a database of celestial objects. The query computes the set of planets with a similarly colored neighbor. A RDBMS can execute this query as a pair of index-only joins: one index on photoObjAll and one on neighbors.

FROM photoObjAll p
JOIN neighbors n
ON p.objID = n.objID
    AND n.objID < n.neighborObjID
    AND p.mode = 1
JOIN photoObjAll l
ON l.objID = n.neighborObjID
    AND l.mode = 1
    AND abs((p.u - p.g) - (l.u - l.g)) < 0.05
    AND abs((p.g - p.r) - (l.g - l.r)) < 0.05
    AND abs((p.r - p.i) - (l.r - l.i)) < 0.05
    AND abs((p.i - p.z) - (l.i - l.z)) < 0.05

In Dryad, we can represent it as a graph where:

  1. Partition the index into pairs U1, N1, ..., Un, Nn.
  2. One node reads each partition and computes a local join.
  3. The data is shuffled and partitioned based on neighborObjID.
  4. The data is sorted on neighborObjID.
  5. The data is joined with photoObjAll to get the color of the neighbors and filtered.
  6. The data is sent to a single node for distinct.

Describing a Dryad Graph. Dryad uses a C++ DSL to merge subgraphs into bigger graphs. A graph is a four-tuple G = (V_G, E_G, I_G, E_G) where

Edges are ordered and multiple edges can exist between a pair of vertexes. Here are the operation we can use to build or compose graphs:

By default, the edges between vertexes are represented as temporary files. The upstream node writes to a local file, and the downstream node reads form it. In addition to this file-based edge, multiple vertexes can also be run in the same process and communicate via an in-memory pipe. Alternatively, nodes can communicate via TCP.

Writing a Vertex Program. Vertexes are represented as arbitrary C++ classes that subclass from a Vertex interface. The interface exposes a Main method which takes in a number of readers and writers. Vertexes can also report their status to the JM. Writing custom vertexes can sometimes be difficult. Dryad also includes a standard set of default vertexes like map, filter, join. Legacy binaries can also be run as vertexes.

Job Execution. There is a single JM which is a point-of-failure. Of course, the JM could use snapshotting or replication. Multiple copies of the same vertex may be run due to failures and re-execution, so it assumed that vertexes are deterministic. Vertexes can also provide a preference list describing which machine they want to run on. This allows a graph to place computation near its input or to group similar nodes. There are also nice monitoring tools to view the progress of a Dryad execution.

Each vertex in a graph is put into a stage. Each stage has a stage manager which manages the execution of the stage. The stage managers do things like re-execute tasks to avoid stragglers.

The Dryad graph can also be changed at runtime to support optimization like tree aggregation or partial aggregation.

Building on Dryad. Dryad provides a rather low-level C++ interface. Other teams have developed higher-level interfaces to Dryad including a Nebual scripting language, integration with a RDBMS, and hope for integration with SQL or LINQ.