(* In this program, we'll write a simple command line utility to relay input
* from stdin over a TCP connection. Think of this program like a minimal
* version of telnet. *)
open Core.Std
open Async.Std
let sender _ r w =
let stdin = Lazy.force Reader.stdin in
let stdout = Lazy.force Writer.stdout in
(* We transfer stdin over our TCP connection. *)
don't_wait_for (Reader.transfer stdin (Writer.pipe w));
(* And, we simultaneously transfer the inbound TPC traffic to to stdout. *)
don't_wait_for (Reader.transfer r (Writer.pipe stdout));
never ()
let main host port () : unit Deferred.t =
ignore (Tcp.with_connection (Tcp.to_host_and_port host port) sender);
never ()
(* We'll also take the hostname and port of the server we connect to as command
* line arguments. Compile this program, then run `./tcpShell.byte
* www.google.com 80`. This will connect to a Google server on port 80. Then
* type `GET /` to fetch the Google homepage. *)
let () =
~summary:"Redirect stdin over tcp"
+> anon ("host" %: string)
+> anon ("port" %: int)
|> Command.run