(* Now that we've been introduced to the Reader module, we'll introduce
* ourselves to the Writer module. There's no surprises here. Just like the
* it's Reader counterpart, the Writer modules defines an abstract type t and a
* whole bunch of functions to write to a Writer.t.
* In the last program, we read from stdin. Now, we'll write to stdout. *)
open Core.Std
open Async.Std
let main () : unit Deferred.t =
(* Just like with Reader.stdin, we have to force the lazy Writer.stdout. *)
let stdout = Lazy.force Writer.stdout in
(* Then, we just call Writer.write_line to write a string to the Writer.t. *)
Writer.write_line stdout "hello, world!";
return ()
(* That's all there is to it! The Reader and Writer modules are intentionally
* very similar, so once you are comfortable with one, you'll be comfortable
* with both. *)
let () =
Command.(run (async ~summary:"" Spec.empty main))