(* In this program, we'll use pipes in more advanced and more interesting ways.
open Core.Std
open Async.Std
(* Imagine we have two pipes: a and b. Someone is writing colors into pipe a
* and fruits into pipe b. When we read from pipe a, we get the colors, and
* when we read from pipe b, we get the fruits.
* read a (* blue *)
* read a (* red *)
* read b (* bananas *)
* read b (* strawberries *)
* Now imagine we want to make a single pipe c. Whenever we read from c, we
* want to get either a color from a or a fruit from b. That's exactly what the
* interleave function does! It takes in a list of readers and returns a single
* reader that yields values read from any of the input readers. So if we used
* interleave to generate c, here's what the reads might look like.
* let c = interleave [a; b]
* read c (* blue *)
* read c (* bananas *)
* read c (* strawberries *)
* read c (* red *)
* In terms of implementation, all we do is create a fresh pipe and then
* transfer the input readers into it. We also have to make sure to close the
* interleaved pipe when all the input pipes are closed.
let interleave (rs: 'a Pipe.Reader.t list) : 'a Pipe.Reader.t =
let (r, w) = Pipe.create () in
Deferred.List.iter ~how:`Parallel rs ~f:(fun r -> Pipe.transfer_id r w) >>> fun () ->
Pipe.close w
(* Here, we show off how to use interleave. We create 10 pipes and write into
* each one. Then we interleave the pipes into a single reader and read all the
* values from it. *)
let pipe_interleave () : unit Deferred.t =
let (rs, ws) = List.(unzip (map (range 0 10) ~f:(fun _ -> Pipe.create ()))) in
List.iteri ws ~f:(fun i w -> don't_wait_for (Pipe.write w i >>| fun () -> Pipe.close w));
let r = interleave rs in
Pipe.iter r ~f:(fun i -> return (printf "read %d\n" i))
(* With interleave, we took a set of pipes and interleaved them into a single
* pipe. Here, we do the exact opposite. We take a single pipe and replicate
* its output to a whole set of pipes. We simply iterate over the input pipe
* and write the contents to every one of the output pipes. We also make sure
* to close all the output pipes once the input pipe has closed. *)
let broadcast (r: 'a Pipe.Reader.t) (ws: 'a Pipe.Writer.t list) : unit Deferred.t =
Pipe.iter r ~f:(fun x -> Deferred.all_unit (List.map ws ~f:(fun w -> Pipe.write w x)))
>>| fun () -> List.iter ws ~f:Pipe.close
(* Here, we show off how to use broadcast. We create a pipe and write "fee",
* "fi", "fo", and "fum" into it. Then, we broadcast it into 10 pipes. *)
let pipe_broadcast () : unit Deferred.t =
let (r, w) = Pipe.create () in
let (rs, ws) = List.(unzip (map (range 0 10) ~f:(fun _ -> Pipe.create ()))) in
don't_wait_for (broadcast r ws);
don't_wait_for (Pipe.write w "fee");
don't_wait_for (Pipe.write w "fi");
don't_wait_for (Pipe.write w "fo");
don't_wait_for (Pipe.write w "fum");
Pipe.close w;
Deferred.List.iteri ~how:`Parallel rs ~f:(fun i r ->
Pipe.iter r ~f:(fun s -> return (printf "%d: %s\n" i s)))
(* Interleave let a bunch of pipes converge into a single pipe. If we imagine
* data flowing through pipes from left to right, interleave looked like this:
* __
* \
* \
* ---->----
* /
* __/
* And broadcast let a single pipe replicate its output to a whole set of
* pipes. It looked like this:
* __
* /
* /
* ----<----
* \
* \__
* Now, we'll implement code that let's a whole set of producers (which we'll
* call publishers) broadcast data to a whole set of consumers (which we'll
* call subscribers). It looks like this:
* publisher a __ __ subscriber a
* \ /
* \ /
* publisher b ---->----<---- subscriber b
* / \
* __/ \__ subscriber c
* publisher c
* Our publisher/subscriber service will be encapsulate by an instance of type
* PubSub.t. Any publisher can publish a value by calling pub. For example, if
* I wanted to publish the string "foo" to a pub/sub instance ps, I would call
* `PubSub.pub sp "foo"`. Whenever a message is published, it is broadcasted to
* all the subscribers. In order to become a subscriber, you call `PubSub.sub`.
* This returns the reader end of a pipe from which you can read published
* values. There's also a function close which closes all the subscribers'
* pipes. *)
module PubSub = struct
type 'a t = 'a Pipe.Writer.t list ref
let create () : 'a t =
ref []
let pub (subs: 'a t) (x: 'a) : unit Deferred.t =
Deferred.List.iter ~how:`Parallel !subs ~f:(fun w -> Pipe.write w x)
let sub (subs: 'a t) : 'a Pipe.Reader.t =
let (r, w) = Pipe.create () in
subs := w::!subs;
let close (subs: 'a t) : unit =
List.iter !subs ~f:(Pipe.close)
(* Here's a demo of our pub/sub service! *)
let pipe_pub_sub () : unit Deferred.t =
let open PubSub in
let ps = create () in
don't_wait_for (pub ps "negative one");
let r0 = sub ps in
don't_wait_for (pub ps "zero");
let r1 = sub ps in
don't_wait_for (pub ps "one");
let r2 = sub ps in
don't_wait_for (pub ps "two");
let r3 = sub ps in
close ps;
let subs = [r0; r1; r2; r3] in
Deferred.List.iteri subs ~f:(fun i r -> Pipe.iter r ~f:(fun x -> return (printf "%d: %s\n" i x)))
let main () : unit Deferred.t =
pipe_interleave () >>= fun () ->
pipe_broadcast () >>= fun () ->
pipe_pub_sub () >>= fun () ->
return ()
let () =
Command.(run (async ~summary:"" Spec.empty main))