(* To write an async program that terminates, we'll use Jane Street's Command
* library, which you can learn more about in Chapter 14 of Real World OCaml.
open Core.Std
open Async.Std
(* The first thing that's changed about our program is that we've made main
* return a unit Deferred.t rather than just a unit. *)
let main () : unit Deferred.t =
print_endline "hello world!";
return ()
(* Also, rather than simply invoking main, we've instead used the Command
* library to call main. I'll let you read about the details of the Command
* library in Real World OCaml, but to summarize, this code says this program
* should accept no command line arguments and should run the main function
* when invoked.
* Go ahead and run this program. It prints "hello, world!" and then it
* terminates! Awesome; this is exactly what we wanted. From now, we'll make
* sure all our programs use the Command library. *)
let () =
Command.(run (async ~summary:"" Spec.empty main))