(* We wrote a print client to send a message to our printing server. Now, we'll
* write an echoing client to communicate with our echo server. This client
* will repeatedly read a line from stdin, send it to the echo server, read the
* echoed string, and print it to the screen. *)
open Core.Std
open Async.Std
let sender _ r w =
let stdin = Lazy.force Reader.stdin in
let rec loop r w =
printf "> ";
(* Step one: read a line from the user. *)
Reader.read_line stdin >>= function
| `Eof -> (printf "Error reading stdin\n"; return ())
| `Ok line -> begin
(* Step two: send it to the server. *)
Writer.write_line w line;
(* Step three: read back the echoed string. *)
Reader.read_line r >>= function
(* Step four: print it out. *)
| `Eof -> (printf "Error reading server\n"; return ())
| `Ok line -> (print_endline line; loop r w)
loop r w
let main () : unit Deferred.t =
ignore (Tcp.with_connection (Tcp.to_host_and_port "localhost" 8080) sender);
never ()
(* First run echoServer.ml, then run echoClient.ml. *)
let () =
Command.(run (async ~summary:"" Spec.empty main))