(* At this point, we've seen how to read data from standard in, and we've seen
* how to write data to files. Now, we'll do both! This program will take in a
* filename as an argument. We'll then read input from stdin and append it to
* the specified file. A user may use this program to write a new message to
* the file every day, sort of like a diary. *)
open Core.Std
open Async.Std
(* First we write a function to transfer the contents of stdin to the end of
* the diary. *)
let stdin_to_diary (w: Writer.t) : unit Deferred.t =
(* First, we grab stdin like usual. *)
let stdin = Lazy.force Reader.stdin in
(* Next, we use Writer.pipe to convert our Writer.t into a Pipe.Writer.t.
* Then, we use Reader.transfer to transfer the contents of stdin to the
* writer. *)
Reader.transfer stdin (Writer.pipe w)
let main filename () : unit Deferred.t =
(* We use Writer.with_file as before, but this time we open the file for
* appending. This let's us open a file without erasing its contents. *)
Writer.with_file ~append:true filename ~f:stdin_to_diary
let () =
~summary:"Enter an entry in a diary."
Command.Spec.(empty +> anon ("filename" %: string))
|> Command.run